02 January 2014

Report on my 2013 genealogy goals

In 2013 I had some great successes. I also struggled a little in setting realistic goals, that I would follow-through on. If this was a test, I'd have a B+ for last year's genealogy goals. Unless you accept extra credit... 

Prior updates:
My 2013 goals update: Q3
My 2013 goals update: Q2
My 2013 Genealogy Resolutions and Goals
Personal Tree Research: A
Find 10 or more end-of-line extensions
  1. Frederick Bewig (emigration 1853) ancestors through ~1678
  2. Henrietta Ehlers (emigration 1853) ancestors through ~1748
  3. Johannes Schneider (b.1754) ancestors through ~1610
  4. Christina Adler (daughter emigrated pre-1849) ancestors through ~1660
  5. Mary Reinhard (emigration pre-1854) ancestors through ~1703
  6. Margaret Hahn (emigration pre-1845) ancestors through ~1726
  7. Frank Dunkes (emigration pre-1851) ancestors through ~1692
  8. Maria Dorothea Schimpf (b.1781) ancestors through ~1703
  9. Agnes Liebbard (b.1755) ancestors through ~1700
  10. Barbara Maerkl (b.1766) ancestors through ~1700
  11.  Franz Xaver Doebl (b.~1767) ancestors through ~[in progress]
Personal Tree Organization and Sharing: D-
  1. 35% Complete Rosetta Stone Spanish
    This goal is moving into 2014. Now that I've got some Hispanic in my family tree, I need to take learning a language more seriously. Pray for me.
  2. 46% Transcribe or help share 200 items (family letters, documents etc.)
    My gauge for this goal is the number of stories I've uploaded to FamilySearch Stories.
  3. 100% Share photos and other media on FamilySearch Family Tree
    Photos: 1374
    Documents: 171
Career and Education: A
  1. Attend RootsTech 
  2. Teach a family history Sunday School 
  3. Help provide feedback and stay involved in social media 
  4. Continue as usual with work 
Thanks to my genealogy blogging friend Randy Seaver for his example of giving grades to annual genealogy goals. You can see one of his similar posts here: Assessing My 2012 Genealogy Goals and Objectives

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