04 January 2014

Random inspiration, when contemplating ancestral research

It is always remarkable to me, the moments of serendipity, when I'm pondering my family history. Through a mix of hard work and these events, over time I have come to know that I'm getting research help from the other side.

One simple instance of this happened today. Taken alone, it may not even seem noteworthy to the genealogical novice, but I knew it was a communication from the divine.

As I was sitting at my computer, wondering what genealogy lead or genealogy site to click on next, and while not following anything about the Schilling family, I had a very small thought that I should go to ProQuest and search the Baltimore Sun. I dismissed it for a moment as my own wishful thinking, but it seemed different than my own thinking so I then went to the page. I had the thought to type a certain string of words, and the name Schilling. There I found two articles that I do not recall ever seeing before about my great great grandparents Thomas and Margaret Schilling.

They were simple news articles. In one, Thomas told a pier diver that she must ask permission before jumping (he was a watchman at the pier). In the other, Margaret was named as the President of a local Women's Club. No big new genealogy finds, just a small glimpse into the lives of some of my most elusive ancestors.

I was happy that I followed the impression and felt peaceful about having found the articles.

Extract from one article:

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