06 March 2010

Who do you think you are?

"Who Do You Think You Are?" genealogy show on NBC brought overwhelming traffic to the popular genealogy website, Ancestry.com last night. Soon will come a day when the majority of Americans no longer think genealogy is only for the older crowd.

If you have been intensely involved with genealogy already you may know that CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) already had a show called "Who Do You Think You Are?", part of which can be seen on RootsTelevision.com (There was recent talk about closing RootsTV so it might not be available for long.) The show appears to be the same, except each network features different people on their episodes.

The same title sometimes shortened to WDYTYA with the same logos are used for an Ancestry.com sponsored genealogy conference in the UK.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to the CBC version of "Who Do You Think You Are?" - I'm going to check those episodes out.


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